Categories: THE WORD, Weekly Messages

Ask Me About My Heart

Luke 8:11

“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.

Matthew 7:6  

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Amos 8:11-13

“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD,
    “when I will send a famine through the land—
not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
    but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.
  People will stagger from sea to sea
    and wander from north to east,
searching for the word of the LORD,
    but they will not find it.
  “In that day
“the lovely young women and strong young men
    will faint because of thirst.

John 5:24-25

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.”

The Word cannot be compared to any treasure. The Word of God saves you from deadly situations and solves difficult problems, worries, and concerns for you. One Word of God is worth tens of millions of dollars. The one who values the Word of God the most in this world is the person who is the closest to God, loves Him the most, and the one who is united with God. That is why God gives him the Word. God gives that person the Word about the present, the future, and the questions that are asked so that people can be saved.

Realize How Precious the Word of God Is and Obey It

By obeying God’s Word, our bodies prosper and our souls and spirits receive salvation and get to live forever in Heaven, the Golden Heaven. You must know just how important each sentence of God’s Word is.

A person who deeply stores the Word in their heart and deeply inscribes it in their brain, absolutely believes it, and values it perfectly is a masterpiece person of faith of the highest grade and strength. 

We are in the time period with the highest-level Word since the creation of the Earth. The conversations and words exchanged between servants and masters, children and parents, and bride and bridegroom are different. Even if people believe in the same God and Jesus, the words that are exchanged are different according to their relationship with God. When you listen to the conversations between men and women, you can tell what kind of relationship they have. A brother cannot compare to a lover or bride. How can a servant be better than a child?

Ask God About Things That Pertain To Him

When God’s Word is interpreted at the human level, you will end with knowing it only at a human level. God’s Word must be explained to us by God in order for us to understand it. Between people too – you have to ask that person about whatever pertains to that person in order to understand that person’s heart and will behind their actions. Ask God because only God absolutely knows about His own heart and Will. Only God knows fully about the things that pertain to Him.

Does God Simply Let Evil Be When He Is Almighty and All-knowing?

God sets His Will for people and has them take action in the most ideal way for the benefits of man and the benefits of Himself. Our thoughts are different and lower than God’s thoughts. God guides and helps people, thinking of all mankind and even considering future generations. People can’t always understand and often misunderstand God because of this. There are things that people should do, but they instead look towards God, wondering why He doesn’t help them. Look long into the future for the things will God do, as the future will be prosperous. You will find the ideal world only if you cross over the mountains of suffering. You will receive glory that can’t be compared to that suffering.

God Helps Us at Each Time

God helps individuals, families, nations, and the world appropriately to the utmost according to His Will. God helps at each time working through hundreds of billions of angels, believers, and appropriate people on the earth. Not only that, but God helps us through rain, snow, wind, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various aspects of the climate. He also helps us through animals and insects. God takes action working through creation that He has made as His workers. It’s not that God can’t help because His arms are too short or that He doesn’t have the power. Rather, we need to pray, petition, and ask so that His heart is moved to help us. “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear” (Isaiah 59:1).

God is a being of love. He is a being of salvation. He is a being who helps. He also judges because He is almighty and all-knowing. Ultimately, God’s purpose for creating Heaven and Earth was to make human beings into His counterparts of love and live with them. That is why we live the greatest life when we live as the counterparts of love, which is what God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus want. The people who fulfill the Will together with Jesus and the person sent by God in this time period are the most blessed people in both body and spirit since the start of religious history 6,000 years ago. 

Study and Develop Yourself Every Day

Only when people develop themselves after they have taken action, can they come to know what God is doing together with the Holy Spirit and Jesus in this time period. If you make yourself into an athlete, you will become an athlete, and if you make yourself into a conglomerate, you can become a conglomerate. God has given talents to each person, and He has also given the environment and life so that they can do it. According to how people have developed themselves, God uses even their bodies in a spiritual way. You have to study and develop yourself every day. We must not ask God why He doesn’t help when the righteous people are suffering at the hands of the wicked. God has helped us with everything He needed to help us with.