Categories: THE WORD, Weekly Messages

God’s Heart and My Heart

Proverbs 4:23 

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it

Isaiah 55:9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Manage Your Heart

Jesus summarized the entire Old Testament and New Testament scriptures into one commandment that we must keep above all else: “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbors as you love yourself.” Even though Jesus lived according to this Word, the Jewish people of the time period hated him because their hearts and thoughts were flawed. Those who do wrong will have regrets and suffer in both body and spirit.  

Always Communicate, Discuss, and Check Before Taking Action

Before taking action on any type of work, you need to discuss it with others first, as applicable. We should think with the mentality of the Lord. It is problematic to simply think in a way that benefits you. If you want to take action according to God’s Will, you must listen to the Word and check your heart and thoughts. Asserting your views to be noticed by people will only make you unnoticeable to God and Jesus. Satan always comes in through your heart and thoughts. Don’t fail to guard your heart. We should always pray and discuss with God before taking action. God’s thoughts are different from our thoughts, so we must act according to God’s thoughts and heart, whether big or small. 

Throw Away the Old Things

If you act like the owner and do as you please, even though you are neither the owner nor the savior, then what you do will be harmful, and people will turn away from you. On the other hand, whatever is done according to the Holy Spirit’s heart will prosper more as time passes. We shouldn’t keep doing things of the past but adjust accordingly to God’s heart. We need to receive God’s heart again and do things in new ways, as appropriate for each time in accordance with the current situation. We should pray every day and see where God’s heart is at. Keep asking and praying to God!

Your Spirit Changes According to Your Heart and Actions

People’s thoughts are influenced by their environments and other people. We must always keep the Word given by God and the Lord, or else we will regret it forever. The Lord’s Word is light in a dark night. It is the narrow path of life. God’s heart’s desire is not about the body but about the spirit. It’s about living with us spiritually forever. We shouldn’t only look at the physical things but look at our spirit’s salvation and success as well. The greatest thing God and the Lord did for you was enable you to overcome tribulation in advance in order to save your spirit and let you live forever! God observes and watches our hearts. Your spirit changes according to your actions and how your heart is. 

Don’t Break Your Rhythm

You must not break your rhythm even during hardships and tribulations. It is extremely difficult to start things again if you break the flow. If you listen and think only about the tribulations at hand, you will lose God and forget the savior from your thoughts. Difficulties come as a result of believing in and following God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. If you did nothing and did not believe, such hardships would not exist. However, there would be hardships that come as a result of living in the domain of Satan. It is better to believe and go through hardships than not to believe in God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord. The present suffering cannot compare to the glory that will come.   

Don’t Think Only From Your Position

When it comes to big things, it’s hard to feel or believe them. For example, you can’t feel the Earth spinning at a rate of 400m/second. We can’t feel how God loves us and all the things He has done for us because He is a gigantic being. When you are in the middle of an ocean, the whole world looks like it is only water with no land visible because the ocean is so big. If you think only standing in your position, you can’t see others and you can’t see the Lord, God, or the Holy Spirit either. The things big people have done are hard to perceive by small people. They will continue to doubt and disbelieve them. The same goes for things done by the Messiah, a person with a big mission. 

You cannot see the full picture when standing up-close. For example, you cannot see the entire mountain when standing at its base. Only from a distance can you see the entire thing clearly. In the same way, only when you see the Messiah from a distance and realize about him will you know the full picture. You cannot fully see him by looking at him up-close and living with him. 

When your faith is young, it is hard to understand big things. God sent Jesus, who has a physical body, to teach people because God is Almighty and a tremendous being. God delivers the Word through the one He sent, who is smaller, so that we can understand. The man of mission is also too great for people to understand, so he communicates through witnesses that he sends. Through the small things you come to see the bigger picture.