Categories: Weekly Messages


2 Corinthians 7:1

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

When Difficulties Arise, Pray, Praise, and Take Action

God’s history moves forward with God’s Will. It advances as we absolutely fulfill His Will. Therefore, God is absolutely with us. However, since it is a history that is fulfilled on Earth through people, there are difficulties and confusion that are caused by people. Still, God’s history cannot be stopped just because there are difficulties.

When difficulties emerge, our thoughts become confused, we become anxious, and we have a hard time. As a result, our lives and our faith are affected. At times like these, we may unintentionally complain. Some of us may blame our brothers and sisters, some of us may grumble against God, and some of us may even have doubts about our faith in God and Jesus.

However, at times like these, rather than complaining, we should instead think about the history that God has carried out until now, gather our hearts and purposes with our brothers and sisters, pray and praise, and diligently take action on the things we need to do.

Whichever way we choose to face our difficulties, in the end, we will move forward powerfully in one direction with God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus because of God’s history that is firmly established through the Word.

God’s Will has not disappeared nor crumbled. As long as God’s Will exists, no matter what difficulties or hardships may arise, we will move forward making only God’s Will as our pillar.

The Most Important Thing to Do This Year Is to Check

One thing that all of us should not forget to do this year is to check. We need to check our thoughts, actions, faith, and lives. Check and examine every aspect of yourself and your family. Reform yourself, reform your thoughts, reform your mind, and reform yourself spiritually. Remake what you need to remake, fix what you need to fix, fill in what you are missing or lacking, and do the things you have forgotten about. Fix your perception of whatever you have perceived wrongly.

You need to check. Then you will see what you need to mend, reform, fix, renew, and make perfect. Upon checking, we should then cut off what we need to cut off, throw away what we need to throw away, polish what we need to polish, expose what we need to expose, and perfect what we need to make perfect. Then we and our families will shine more, become more valuable, and become more beautiful.

We are each truly valuable before God, but our value is covered by all kinds of things. To shine more, we need to train ourselves and make ourselves stronger, just as Job trained himself like purifying gold. That’s why we need to check ourselves. The more you are diligent, the better you will become as a person. Then you will feel satisfied, proud, and happy.

Always Seek Help from God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus

Following His timing, God always gives what He needs to give, helps with what He has to help with, and gives the Word. Even if you feel like He is not helping right now, God doesn’t look away. He always watches His beloved ones every day, helps them, and accompanies them. Therefore, don’t get discouraged or give up, but call and seek God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus every day, and ask for what you need to ask for.

Sometimes things are difficult and confusing. But God is always the answer and always replies to those who seek Him. The Holy Spirit always works by inspiring us and leading us so that we can find what is right and act on it. Jesus is always the “door” for us, and he opens that door for those who knock.

Since God absolutely loves us and is with us, we should take action with that power. We should live pursuing God’s Will. Even if there are difficulties, check what you need to renew, perfect, and make clean, keep doing what you need to do, and move forward continuously. Then God’s history will shine more, and we will also shine more!