Categories: Weekly Messages

Do Not Change;
Become Everlasting and Never-changing like God and Jesus

Ephesians 6:24
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

To those of you who say that you hate yourselves for changing too easily, this is a message about how to keep your heart and actions from turning bad and how to march on confidently until you reach Heaven. No matter how solid a life of faith they are leading, many people feel anxious because they are uncertain of if, or when, they may ever change.

Do Not Only Keep Your Faith Unwavering, But Also Carry Out God’s Will

Do not be content with only keeping your faith unwavering and keeping your heart unchanged so that you may not fall due to corrupt faith. Instead, just like God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus whom God sent, remain unchanged while diligently carrying out God’s Will. Here’s a parable: A man is in love with a woman. His wish is not just that the woman is content with living together with him with an unchanging heart. But his wish is that she will keep her loving heart while leading a life at a more ideal, higher level.

An acrobat who walks on a single tightrope set in the air does not stand still but keeps moving to avoid falling off. In the same way, do not just be content with not turning bad while you sit still. Instead, remain unchanged while you live and take action according to the Will that God desires in this time period.

However, many people end up changing in the process of being used by God and taking action on His Will. They end up changing because they live as they please since their heart is not united with Jesus whom God sent. They change because of the opposite sex, because of money, because of greed, because of fame, because of feeling left out, because of laziness, because of hating others, and because of disbelief or doubt. 

Those who have transformed perfectly do not change in their heart. God created human beings in a way that they would remain unchanged if they listen to God’s Word of life, put it into action perfectly, and become united with the Lord Jesus whom God sent. The reason people are fickle and ever-changing is that people who are imperfect do not become united as one with the perfect one.

Even though people know that they will go to Hell if they turn bad, they still turn bad because they themselves are imperfect and because they do not become united with the perfect one. In the Bible it says that a person will go to Hell if they betray and disbelieve. Everyone knows that if their faith dies due to disbelief or betrayal and if they fail to bring their spirit back to life by living for God, then they will ultimately go to Hell. Nevertheless, they still live as they please.  

The Biggest Reasons People’s Names Become Blurry in God’s Book of Eternal Life

The Word through all the messages, and the Word that they are enlightened with during prayer, are enough for a person to come to their senses on their own, to take action, and to have their name be written in God’s Book of Life. (If their name is written in God’s Book of Life, then they are poised to gain eternal salvation.) If it is someone who truly puts in effort to go to Heaven, they will work hard and competently place their name in the Book of Life. In most cases, the reasons people’s names become blurry in the Book of Life are as follows:

First, they do not fundamentally repent for their sins.

Second, they do not understand the Word fundamentally and fail to take action.

Third, the spirit and the actions of their body have not transformed due to not being united with the Lord Jesus.

The Difficulty of Being Restored if One Turns Bad

You must never turn bad while leading a life of faith. It is truly difficult to be restored. You can repent indeed, but rebuilding merit takes as much time as you spent in the past to build up the lost merit. Satan makes you give up through your sins. Thus, Satan makes you a person of the domain of death completely and stamps the seal of death on you. If this happens, the Lord said that even he cannot do anything about it.

Those Who Achieve Salvation Live in Heaven Forever

When God created human beings’ bodies, He created their spirits also. Therefore, as long as human spirits achieve salvation, they will become everlasting and never-changing beings and live in Heaven forever. Saved spirits live so long that their lifespan cannot be compared to the lifespan of the universe or the Earth. Human beings have spirits that can be everlasting and never-changing. So then, how valuable human beings are!    

Know how hard it is to restart your faith if you turn bad and let your faith crumble even once along the way. It is as hard as rebuilding a fallen fortress by yourself. Between Heaven and Hell, you have to live a life of deciding your own fate. The people of the Old Testament did not believe in or follow Jesus when Jesus came to the world. How many, among those numerous people, do you think came to believe in and follow Jesus on their own later on? Keep your faith and love from turning bad. Keep the truth that is instilled in you from turning bad. Because your love turns bad, God also changes His loving heart and judges you. However, if you repent, God changes His heart of judgment and forgives you. This means that your fate is determined by your deeds. Hurry and make yourself perfect.

However, do not just try to not turn bad while doing nothing, but keep yourself from turning bad while raising your level of righteousness and running with passion. Transform every day by the Lord Jesus’ perfect Word. If you try to not turn bad while doing nothing, then you cannot meet the Lord Jesus’ expectations. In that state, deficient in righteousness, you cannot become a spirit that has perfectly transformed.

The Importance of Love in Obtaining Salvation

No matter who it may be, no one can enter Heaven without love. The greatest commandment in the Bible is the commandment of love. Keeping love is that significant. With love, both your spirit and body shine. If your love does not change, you will become a spirit that is everlasting and never-changing.