Categories: Weekly Messages

2018.07.22 Sunday Message


Surely I Have Fulfilled it

Isaiah 46:11

From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.

When you study the Bible, you cannot interpret the verses unless you connect them to other Scriptures in the Bible. But people only look at portions of the Bible and interpret it according to their own beliefs.
If you can connect everything, and everything fits, and there are no contradictions; then it is Truth.

Especially in the case of people who deify themselves—when they present their interpretation of just one thing, there doesn’t appear to be any contradictions. But when other things are considered, contradictions are found.

What is it that God surely does?

There are many things that God surely does. Among them is His purpose for creating human beings. If it is the purpose, then God will surely do it because there are things that are absolutely predestined.

God has many Wills, but the Will of love is something He will surely fulfill. That is why we have to be within that Will of love.

How do we enter into that Will of love?

We don’t do it by just loving: we have to love according to God’s Word and in a way that God has planned.

When it comes to love done outside of God’s plan, people strive to surely fulfill it, but God does not allow it.

What is the Will of God? The Will is God’s Almighty and All-knowing love. It is to give that perfect love to the people of the world who believe in and love God. Next, it is to fulfill the Will by having people of the world love and serve God on this Earth.

Whether you get married or love someone as your lover, when there is someone you can pour all your love upon, you are a happy person. God also has this tremendous love, this essence of love. How tremendous is God’s love? It is as great as creating the universe. God created Earth, Heaven, and the universe for us. You must sense how great God’s love is.

Living righteously is more important than eating

The Law that God made for people is that they have to take action in righteousness.

Then, they can receive all of God’s Love.

In the world, because people can’t receive the love of God, they engage in the love of money, material wealth, fame, authority, the love of the opposite sex, and the love of food.

Know what the big miracles are

A lot of people ask for miracles and signs. But Jesus himself was the miracle—the Messiah they had so awaited for had come! The fundamental Will—all of the blessings that resulted—came from the miracle of Jesus’ coming. Little things/miracles will always come along when big things/miracles happen.

Take action according to God’s Will and make sure to get it done at the right time. Read all the Scriptures carefully. God surely fulfills all those words. If you receive an answer from God while praying, then that is the answer; you don’t need to worry about anything else. After saying, “Yeah, I was inspired.” what remains then, is for people to take action upon those inspirations.