Categories: Weekly Messages

2018.06.27 Wednesday Message


Become One

John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Centering on the one God sent, human beings have to be united with the Almighty Trinity. This is the definition of being alive. In the Bible, Jesus mentioned that the branches must be united with the grapevine. In the same way, absolute unity between us and the Trinity is mandatory if we wish to live according to God’s Will. If we’re not united, we end up taking action in our own way.

The essence of faith

The fundamental essence of faith is to be one with God and the Savior. It is to be united with the prophets and the key people sent by God. A person who isn’t united with the Trinity is spiritually dead. A person who isn’t united with Christ is also spiritually dead.

If you’re one with the Lord, you will go where the Lord goes and take action with him. If you fail to be united, then you cannot take action together with him. When you’re united with God, you will take action according to God’s thoughts. It’s the same principle as your body becoming one with your mind and taking action according to how you think.

We must exert all of our strength into achieving absolute unity with God and the Lord. We need to make this our ultimate goal in life. Then we can be regarded as living people with living faith.

Remove the “dirt” between you and Christ

If a boulder is placed directly on top of another rock, it will be stable and not topple over even during heavy rainstorms. However, if there is a layer of dirt between the rocks, then when it rains, the dirt will be washed away; the rock will eventually fall over and cause harm.

The same is true with our lives of faith: the “dirt” in our lives prevents us from being absolutely united with Christ, who is our rock. So when trials and tribulations strike us like heavy winds and rain, we will be shaken and eventually topple over. Therefore, we must rid ourselves of that dirt, clean out everything that is impure, fix what we need to fix, and become absolutely one with the Lord. Then we will not be shaken but enjoy a living faith instead.

Take action with the Holy Spirit at each moment

We need to closely examine our lives of faith and find the areas where we are dead. We should not just follow the crowds or follow other people; we must unite with Christ and be led by him and the Holy Spirit.

We must know clearly that the Holy Spirit is always with us, working upon us, and protecting us. Therefore, we must live conversing with the Holy Spirit and conversing with the Lord. Converse during the day and through dreams at night. Since we become the counterpart of the one who teaches and raises us, if we are raised by the teachings of the Holy Spirit, then we will become the Holy Spirit’s counterpart.

Now, we really must become one with the Holy Spirit and take action being led by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. When we do, we will not live just ordinary lives of faith, but rather, we will receive and gain tremendous things at each moment.