Categories: THE WORD, Weekly Messages

God Fulfills the Old Time Period Promises in the New Time Period

Job 38:36 

Who has put wisdom in the mind? Or who has given understanding to the heart

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!

Overcome by the Power of God

The body is weak, so we can accomplish more when we take action spiritually and mentally with our souls. God completes all His work on time because He does things while existing like the sun. The spiritual body has tens of thousands of times more power than the physical body, so God can control the physical world as much as He wants from the smallest of things to the biggest of things. People realize God’s heart according to how big their heart is. That is why God lets people experience things, realize about God through those experiences, and believe what God does. 

A person’s heart changes according to the situation they are in and the things they experience. In times of tribulations, you must triumph by seeking the absolute God, Holy Spirit, Holy Son, and Jesus. You must triumph by the power of God. You must triumph over Satan, hardships, and conflicts in that same way. You can do that by praying instead of just worrying about the situation. Sometimes God helps you through people, through angels, directly, by inspiration through the Holy Spirit and through Jesus. 

 God Fulfills Everything Promised When the Time Comes

Once everything that was needed to be done in the New Testament history and once the time came, as promised, God and Jesus came to the new history and carried it out with the Word. The old time period failed to realize, rejected, and disbelieved without knowing, and hated and tormented the people who received the new time period. They block the work of God, and they will suffer according to their deeds. God gives blessings only to those who come out of the old time period and into the new time period and take action together with the Trinity and Jesus. 

In any time period, when the savior is sent, history must be fulfilled, and people must be saved. That is why God takes action while giving him power. When the people who follow the new history petitioned, God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son listened and did things for them. Only when you follow the new time period and the savior sent by God can you fulfill God’s ultimate Will and not be bound in death. 

When the Purpose of Creation is fulfilled on Earth, then it can be fulfilled also in Heaven. Things must be loosed on Earth for them to be loosed in Heaven. (Matthew 16:19). The body must listen to the Word and take action; then your spirit in Heaven also achieves the form of a heavenly spirit. The spirit goes to the corresponding spiritual domain according to the deeds of the body.