Categories: THE WORD, Weekly Messages

Take Action Strongly to the End While Calling Out to God

Ezekiel 3:8-9

But I will make you as unyielding and hardened as they are. I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or terrified by them, though they are a rebellious people.”

2 Peter 3:17

Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.

1 Corinthians 3:14

If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward.

You Will Become Strong Only if You Become One With the Trinity and the Lord

In order to become one with the Trinity and the Lord, you must believe in and follow what has been interpreted from the Bible through the man of mission. The things spoken about in the Old Testament were interpreted through Jesus in the New Testament. The things that were said at Jesus’ time have finally been interpreted only now, 2000 years later. Following with correct knowledge will allow you to come out of the domain of death and receive salvation in the new time period. Each person can believe only when they have conviction. Even some disciples of Jesus fell away when tribulations, trials, and difficulties came because they were unable to believe Jesus was the Messiah in those cases. People who hear the Word of the time period and follow do so according to what they have learned, according to the level of faith they live, and according to whatever benefits them. Ultimately, the salvation of the body and spirit is determined according to that.

You must call out to the Almighty God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son, and the Lord strongly according to the absolute truth that you have learned and make yourself strong. A person’s heart and thoughts are like the weather, constantly changing depending on the environment. You become strong when you are united with the Almighty God and He comes upon you. This happens by praying deeply and knowing and taking action upon the Word. Through taking action you experience things, and you will only take action if you absolutely believe. Through experiences, you gain conviction in your body and spirit and become strong. The body is lower in level than the spirit, so the body gains conviction by doing things of the earth. If you have any doubts about God or heavenly things, pray and do what you should do and gain. 

He Is Taking Action in the Present in the Same Way He Has Done in the Past

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word about Christ (Romans 10:17 as a reference). Just as God has taken action in the past together with the Lord, it is the same in the present times. Those who have conviction based on what they saw in the past will come to believe. The righteous live by faith according to God’s Will. Things that were written in the Bible happened. The spiritual world exists in reality even now as things of the spirit exist forever.

Working Hard Is Joy and Even the Highest-Level Heaven Is Made Through Hard Work

Whether in the body or spirit, things that are done are achieved and exist. Each person continually builds towards accumulating heavenly merits by taking action. Heaven exists more beautifully and majestically than in the past. Over time, billions of people now believe in God and the Lord. Things of the body are used for a lifetime and things of the spirit are used eternally with joy and gladness. You must seize the opportunity that the Almighty God gave you by grace for your hard work, not be idle, and take action at each moment.

Loving together with the Almighty in the Lord and the Holy Spirit is the raptured life on the earth and the “Golden Heaven” (highest level Heaven). Always be alert and live with discretion so that even if the blessing you waited for comes, you won’t let it pass by, thinking it was nothing special. To not let something pass you by, you need to search for it. Then you will recognize it. The same is true for searching for both heavenly and earthly things. You must search for what you want. Only then will the Lord appear to you. Being lazy will bring about unbearable hardships. Hard work is joy because you gain something through that effort.

God gave each person their lot in life according to their talents and abilities. If you don’t take action, you are like a person who only stores good seeds instead of sowing the seeds, making an orchard, and making a field of grain to harvest. You must take action at the right time on the purpose for which God created people and live with faith. Only then will you achieve an ideal life together with the Lord, and They will be your joy, strength, power, and love.

Pray Earnestly and Ask in the Lord’s Name Whether Something Is God’s Will or Not

The more you do according to God’s thoughts and what He wants even if it is difficult, the more comfortably you will live, and you will live receiving the blessings God gives you. As each person lives their life, they agonize and worry because they don’t know if what they are doing is God’s Will or just something they like doing. Even by praying or thinking about it, people are frustrated because they can’t discern whether the inspiration in their heart was their own will or God’s Will. When faced with a choice between two things, the brain is thinking “should I do it or not?” God’s method for this is to “ask earnestly.” You should pray earnestly saying that you will do according to God’s Will and thoughts and ask God and the Holy Spirit in the Lord’s name. Then He will make you realize. The Holy Spirit will also teach you, and Jesus will teach you in an easy way. Call out to Jesus and repent completely of what you must repent for, ask Him, and learn from Him.

You will also realize through dreams and when you read the Bible carefully and meticulously. When you pray deeply, the Holy Spirit will give you inspiration and wrong thoughts will disappear, showing you a revelation clearly through nature. Answers are given to those who do not change but have absolute love towards the Trinity, Jesus, and the one sent. To those whose spirits have changed and become perfect and have not changed for the worse, God trusts them and gives them answers.

Make Yourself Strong by Managing Yourself Every Day and Doing More Righteous Deeds

Doing things according to your own thoughts and desires will deviate you from God’s thoughts, and therefore you will live outside of salvation. You will surely know people’s deeds by seeing their spirits and souls, as they cannot hide them. Entrust your thoughts to God and guard your heart every day, living perfectly according to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and the Word of life. Always value and cherish the Word and the fact you received salvation in this time period. You worked hard in the past to gain salvation, so now is the time to manage yourself in a stronger way. Always be thankful and live rejoicing for the things you have gained from God. You must not lose the blessings of the rapture and salvation because the time will never come again. God does things according to His timing and once the opportunity is gone, it may never come again. God fulfills His Will for the time period and speaks through the man of mission.

If the body belongs to death, its spirit and soul will also go to death. Since your body, soul, and spirit all receive according to your deeds, you must achieve a brighter transformation by doing deeds of righteousness every day.