Categories: Weekly Messages

The Eternal God of Love

1 John 4:7-11
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

Love is a two-way street

God loves us, but if that love is only one-sided, then God’s Will cannot be fulfilled. We have to love Him back; only then will God’s desires and our own desires become reality. If a couple gets married but it’s only the man who loves the woman, then no matter how much he loves her, it’s not going to work out. The woman has to also love the man for the will of love to be fulfilled. God’s deepest love is towards the one who loves Him with a never-changing heart.

God said, “Love. If you do not love, then you’re not born of Me. If you love, you are Mine! If you don’t love, then you’re not Mine.” That’s a tremendous statement. It’s the same with marriage: if a person does not love their spouse, they’ll say, “You’re not mine. You love money? Then, you belong to money. You love food more than you love me? Then, you belong to food.”

To love is to know God

If we do not love God, or if we do not love our brothers, then we do not know God. We have to love God in order to know Him. Anyone who does not love does not know God. Furthermore, anyone who does not love their brothers does not know love, God, or the savior sent by God either.

As proof of His love for us, God sent prophets and central figures like Moses, Abraham, Joseph, and Jesus the Messiah. Jesus was the bundle of love sent by God. Even until his death, God carried out the history of love through Jesus. God took action through Jesus’ body. That’s why anybody who loves him also loves God.

Receive forgiveness through love

God forgives us of our sins as much as we love Him. Therefore, we should love Him firmly and passionately! This is most essential because if God doesn’t forgive us for our wrongs, we cannot go to Heaven! But we must also love and be at peace with our brothers and sisters as well. If we hate instead of love, the devil, ghosts, evil spirits, and demons of hatred will torment us. We have to love our brothers and truly love God; then Satan will be driven away. If a person can’t love their spouse for their spouse’s sake, then they should love them for the sake of their children. And if they don’t want to do it for the sake of their children, then they should do it for God.

Overcome hardships by centering on God

People must love and center on God. Just as Sodom was judged for their love of power, fame, and sex, anyone who centers on those things will be judged as well. Whatever God says, He surely does it. Therefore, we must listen to whatever God says really well.

Instead of complaining about the things that we cannot do during these difficult times because of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we should pray to God and confess that we will diligently improve ourselves for Him. People change for the worse when things are difficult or hard, but that shouldn’t be the case. Just as our bodies can never become clean if we don’t scrub off the dirt, human beings can never become good and clean people before God if we don’t repent. Even at this time, when things are difficult and hard, we must endure and overcome.

God can do whatever He wants. But for human beings, even if we possess money, power, and fame, we can’t just do as we wish. If we could, then we could get rid of the coronavirus overnight! But just as Joshua loved God and defeated the 31 tribes of Canaan with God’s help, we, too, should overcome difficulties by being bold and taking action while loving and believing in God. No matter what difficulties you face, love God and overcome by saying, “God, let’s do it together!”