Categories: Weekly Messages

People of Mission Must Always Become One With the Trinity and Take Action; Only Then Will They Win and Triumph

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

The book of Ecclesiastes contains proverbs that God helped Solomon realize by giving him wisdom. They discuss the reasons why people succeed or fail in life and explain how people should live and conduct themselves properly. These proverbs are words of wisdom that God spoke using parables. If you just simply read the proverbs, then it’s like reading titles off a bookshelf. You need to read them deeply many times in order to gain realizations about the Word, and you must interpret them.

A cord of two strands is better than one

Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour.” If you realize this one verse in various ways, it is like having read a book full of realizations. Considering that a person who labours by himself will gain only a day’s wage, if two people labour together, they will gain severalfold. It’s the same with thoughts: a person who thinks on their own can only think of one or two things, but when two people think together, the output increases to two or four things. When dealing with issues, if you do it by yourself, you can only resolve one thing at a time. But, if two people work together, they can deal with two different issues. Physically, too, if you try to lift an item by yourself, you can only lift as much as you are capable, but if two people lift together, they can lift things that are severalfold heavier. Or if you fall and get hurt while walking by yourself, you might not be able to get back up. However, if you get hurt while walking in pairs, one person can lift the other one up.

Everything exists in a world of relativity. On the basis of relativity, a cord of two strands is two times stronger than a cord of one strand. You withstand and triumph when you do things as a cord of two strands. When taking care of an issue, if you do it as a single strand, it will be weak and break, whereas doing it as a cord of two strands will be strong and resistant to breakage.

Even the coronavirus (COVID-19) that is making the whole world suffer attacks through two strains of the virus. Therefore, it is like a cord of two strands.

Work together like a double-stranded cord

All things exist as subjects and counterparts. One side plays an internal function while the other side plays an external function, and together they exist as a cord of two strands. If two people do not become one properly, and each person takes action individually, it will result in conflict and headache. Be sure to work together as a pair.

Even in war, they work in pairs. Both airplanes and people travel in pairs to carry out missions. One person searches while the other person hides and protects his comrade by aiming his gun at anything coming their way. Also, when people stand on guard, having two people at a time is perfect, while having three people at a time is even more ideal.

A cord of three strands is even more complete. For example, when erecting a boulder, it has to be supported from the front, back, and the side. If it is supported in three places, it will withstand the weight and it won’t fall down. A cord of three strands will not break easily.

God’s Word is a multi-stranded cord

The Word should be taught like a cord of two strands, physically and spiritually, and should help people to take action. The Word of the old time period is more physical, and the Word of the new time period is more spiritual.

In each time period, new Word is given like a strand added to strengthen the cord of God’s Word. Therefore, in God’s history, the Holy Trinity delivers the Word pertaining to each time period through the Messiah or central figure of the time. The Word of God that is likened to a double-edged sword refers to the Old Testament Word and the New Testament Word. In the new time period, it refers to the New Testament Word and the Word of that time.

If we unite with the Holy Trinity, we become a cord of four strands that won’t break but will last forever!