Categories: THE WORD, Weekly Messages

2018.04.25 Wednesday Message

Be Ready. The Lord Comes When You Do Not Expect Him.

Scriptures: Matthew 24:44
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

The Lord comes at an unexpected time. This means that he comes at a time that people cannot predict.


His coming is the coming of God and the Holy Spirit.

There are various reasons why he comes at an unexpected time. He comes without prior notice because there is a particular Will.

It is said that he comes like a thief because, firstly, people do not know when he is coming. But at the same time, it is also because God always carries out His work secretly; God works in ways that human beings cannot know in advance. This is to prevent those who oppose God’s Will—such as Satan, slanderers, and those who are not on the Lord’s side—from finding out about God’s Will.

Additionally, it is so that only those who are prepared are able to receive him and rejoice, and it is for the Lord to receive glory from them.


If you do not receive him properly,

– your hope will be dashed;

– your wishes will not come true;

– you will feel deeply resentful;

– you will feel regretful;

– you will not be able to receive blessings;

– you cannot receive the Lord’s love.


Israel was the nation that had waited for God the most; they had prepared and waited for 4,000 years. However, when the one they had been waiting for actually came, they could not receive him properly. Instead, the Gentiles who were not waiting for Lord were the ones who were able to prepare immediately; they listened to the Word, realized, knew, and received him. The Gentiles received greater love than the Israelites who had waited for 4,000 years, and the Gentiles received the new time period as their inheritance.  


For those who failed to receive the Lord, his coming became judgment instead. Those people became a 4,000-year-old tree of hope that burned down.

The hope that you have been waiting for always appears in the course of your life. Those who fail to live according to the Lord’s Will cannot receive him.

If you do not treat the Lord preciously and valuably and do not treat him with reverence and joy, you will be unable to receive him properly.


You need to learn! You need to learn and prepare. You need to wait!

The Lord said, “Come to me and learn from me.”

If you ask the Lord, he will tell you, so you just need to do things exactly as you are told. Even though you are told, you do not treat the Word valuably and you just neglect and forget the Lord’s words. You do not treat his words as life.

Receive the Lord, receive God, and receive the Holy Spirit!

You should receive the Lord, but you should not receive him in an ordinary way. You need to receive the Lord as if you are receiving a king.

If, for example, a friend of yours is coming over, then you need to prepare to receive your friend. If a king is to come over, then you need to prepare to receive the king. You do not know when you will receive the king. It could be at predawn or in the afternoon, or you could even receive him at your workplace.

When the owner goes somewhere, he will return that night. Therefore, you should not sleep but always prepare and then emerge from your room and receive him, right?


You need to prepare absolutely, be ready, and receive him in a satisfying way

When you receive the Lord, you need to receive him without sleeping the sleep of death, and you need to receive him without sleeping the sleep of ignorance.

You need to receive the Lord with all your heart, will, and life.

To sleep the sleep of death means to receive the Lord without preparing according to his Will.

According to his Will means to receive the Lord according to his thoughts. It is to receive him with all your heart, will, and life.


If you fail to receive God, blessings will leave you, Satan will get involved, and you will lose the Lord. It is like that in this time period.

The Lord comes as the Lord of love according to the time period, so you have to receive him with truthful love, perfect love, and true love.

You do not know when you will meet the Lord or when he will appear. This is God’s hidden secret. Therefore, you always have to be prepared around the clock and wait for him. You should think, “What should I do for him? How will I do it?” and you should put in the effort with all your heart, will, and life.

No matter where you are, you will receive the lives that God sends like thieves. You have to treat them well like cooking food deliciously. If you make a mistake, you will miss the lives sent by God. You should value them, treat them valuably, teach them the Word properly, help them take action properly, and provide good hospitality; then you will be like Lot who avoided the judgment of death after providing hospitality to the angels sent by God.


You have to do it. You must do the work and then look at it.

You must do the work and then look at it means, “Only when you get something done can you see it. You cannot see any result without first getting it done.”

Even though it is difficult and strenuous, do the work and then look at it. Get the work done and then look. Do not worry about the content, but do it first and then look.


Each of you will receive the Lord like a thief, just like today’s message, so you have to prepare, be ready, and receive him like receiving the heavens and the Almighty. Otherwise, you will be unqualified to receive him.

You can receive him only if you are qualified.

Those who receive the Lord properly will avoid judgment and will walk the path of life in glory.

Fix the diseases of your faith. Fix the diseases of your ignorance. Fix the disease of treating the Lord in your own way! Alter the way you treat the Lord!

Do not offer Wednesday service at home, but offer it at church as much as possible. This is because listening to the Word in person is great and important.

The Lord will suddenly appear at a time you do not expect.

I bless all of you, in the name of the Lord, to keep this in mind and wait for him, being ready and prepared.

Even the flowers bloom after preparing and getting ready. Flowers cannot bloom beautifully overnight, and people cannot start leading beautiful and great lives of faith overnight either.

None of you know when God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord will suddenly appear before you, whether it will be during the day or at night. You do not know where it will take place.

Now is the time to prepare and receive God and His body with wisdom and knowledge.

I bid you the peace of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son. Amen.